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Traveller Fantasy RPG

Aaaaand ... still waiting. Robject? You there? *knocking* Hello!

Does anyone have a refinement for the magic system?

I do have an observation.

Many games assign a certain number of psionic power points, or spell slots. This feels very artificial to many folks, including captainjack:

speaking of anachronisms: mana - I believe its a polynesian term. It's cool, and I introduced it, but for the sake of fluffy chrome I'd be happier with a different term. Problem is, the idea of a "fuel tank" for magic seems to be a modern technobias, and that kind of quantitative magic element seems lacking thus far in my limited research. I'll look more...and accept any suggestions.

Modern real-world parapsychologists note that experimental subjects frequently get bored with making experimental efforts -- because doing *anything* ten times in a row is boring.

Therefore I would suggest that repeated efforts of magic/psi/etc. without rest should result in *frustrated boredom*, not mental fatigue. (Of course, a highly intellectual magic culture, such as mandatory Qabalistic calculations with Tarot cards, would result in both frustrated boredom and mental fatigue.)

Furthermore, psi seems to happen involuntarily or unconsciously when emotional enthusiasm is present. Dying soldiers telepathically transmit the impressions of their death pangs back to their mothers. Emotionally harmonious husbands and wives are likely to have telepathic presentiments of important news. However, emotional harmony is not exactly common, even in marriage.

Telepathic receiving may be a much more important skill than telepathic sending, whereas most games rule that the skill works identically for both.

The problem is that it's hard for any game to represent things like emotion. It's easy to say that telepathy works like a radio, but that's not true to the folklore stories about telepathy.
Oh, on the subject of dragons: I still suggest using Golan2072's animal-dragon stats for combat, but I'd suggest that about one in three dragons are fully sapient, and that at least one in three of these is willing to interact with humans/elves/etcetera (they call the smaller species either "small folk" or short-lives), and are a good source of quests and tradable treasure.
City Generation Consolidated ver.1.0

Trade (Roll on starport table; X=E) 2-4=E, 5-7=D, 7-9=B, A-C=A
[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']This is equal to the port size; the higher the bigger. This also indicates the quantity and quality of the local shipwrights and ship suppliers.[/FONT]

Population (2d6-2)
Government (2d6-7+Population)
Law Level (2d6-7+Government)

Magic (2d6-7+Population)
Manufacturing (2d6-7+Population)
Culture (2d6+7-Law Level)
Homogeneity (2d6+7-Culture [-2 if Trade A; -1 if Trade B]); this is represents how much foreign influences are present. (Lower or higher—which is better?)

Tech Level
Roll 1d6 and add modifiers

+4 if Trade A
+2 if Trade B
-1 if Trade D
-2 if Trade E
+2 if Feudal Technocracy, Representative Democracy, Participating Democracy,
+1 if Balkanization, Civil Service Bureacracy, Impersonal Bureaucracy
+2 if Manufacturing 6+
+1 if Culture 6+
+1 if Population 8+
-1 if Population 5-
-2 if Population 3-

Fortifications: roll 2d6-7+population.
0 = no fortifications
1 = low earth rampart, low 3' less walls
2 = stockade, 6-8 ' walls, small wooden hall
3 = motte and bailey
4 = wooden walls (12') with rampart, small stone keep;
5 = stone walls (10-12'), small stone keep;
6 = 2 layers of curtain wall or high walls (24');stone keep;
7 = 2 layers of high walls, small castle;
8 = 2 layers of high walls, moderate castle
9 = 2 or 3 layers of high walls, big castle

moat +1 level;
wooden keep +1 level;
upgrade to stone keep from wood +1 level if not present;
upgrade to iron keep from stone +1 level if not present;
cliffs count as a layer of wall at 1/2 height;
machinations +1 level;
boiling oil, etc (may be of limited duration) +1 level;
extensive square towers on extended trace (wall) +1;
extensive round towers on extended trace (wall) +2

Tech Levels [note: this is in absence of the decimal system]:

0 - Stone Age (CT TL 0)
1 - Early Bronze Age (CT TL 1)
2 - Bronze Age (CT TL 1)
3 - Early Iron Age (CT TL 1)
4 - Iron Age (CT TL 2)
5 - Early Medieval (CT TL 2)
6 - Medieval (CT TL 2)
7 - Late Medieval (CT TL 2)
8 - Renaissance (CT TL 3)
9 - Age of Sail (CT TL 3)

At some point I'll print this out and try it; in the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions or such please throw them my way.
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Just a little "bump" here to keep this near the top.

The new release of Mongoose's Traveller rules has inspired me to dust off my Classic Traveller box and thumb through it, which led me to return to this thread and re-read it.

If anyone puts together some comprehensive rules for Fantasy Traveller (Wanderer), perhaps they will post a link to them....
I am rather stumblingly working on racial generation for the fantasy races (goblins, orcs, elves and such); as soon as I'm done I'll put them up here.

Gonna be a while, though, 'cause of laziness.
Fantasy Traveller: Wanderer Racial Generation (Suggestions welcome!)

Human: no statistic modification. Humans are fairly average beings, neither weak nor strong nor dumb nor smart, but are clever, and compared to elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes, are quite fecund. Humans live in any environment, and tend to clear lots of space for crop-raising and other farming. Many human lands are monarchies, plutocracies or oligarchies, with a few religious nations and a very rare few democracies (indeed, humans are the inventors of democracy). They stand about five-and-a-half feet tall, weighing about 140 pounds, with men being somewhat taller and heavier than women, and while they can live up to 100 years or so tend to live about 60 years. Most humans have very little magical capacity, although they can be taught wizardry. Sorcerers, who are natural spell-casters, are rare.

Elf: -1 Str, +2 Dex, -1 End. Elves are somewhat weaker and less hardy than humans, but are more dexterous; in addition, they have somewhat more likely to have magical abilities than the average human—and indeed some magical orders claim to have taught humans magic. This magical skill results those elves who follow magical careers suffer less of a negative DM when rolling for subsequent magical talents, although elven magic tends more towards development of the self; sorcerers are merely uncommon, and wizardry is common. Elves enjoy magic, although naturally not every elf practices magic. Elves have low-light vision and are also less hindered by snow and tides when they really need to run—at such times they move one-quarter faster than humans. Most elves form clans or tribes and live in forest or woodlands, but some live on plains or in human cities; some few tribes have taken to living like dwarves amidst subterranean caverns, and while they are thought to be odd they are merely reclusive, preferring to be left alone to study their magic. Most elves stand 5 feet 3 inches and weigh about 110 pounds. Elves can live up to 500 years usually, although legends tell of elves that have lived for a thousand years or more.

Half-Elves: +1 Dex, -1 End. Half-elves have low-light vision. Half-elves are the result of Elves and Humans mating. There are very few all-half-elven communities, and most half-elves tend to be raised in either human or elven culture. This can cause problems at times, because they mature slower than humans and much quicker than elves, as they can live only 140 years with the average life span being about a century. However, many human states like to use half-elves as diplomats when trying to open relations with elven states—although this sometimes doesn’t work, because the half-elf may know as little about elven culture as the humans. Most half-elves stand about the same height as their human parents at about five and a half feet, but they are somewhat lighter, weighing about 120 pounds on average. Half-elf sorcerers are uncommon, but are a bit more common than wizards since half-elves inherit a touch of magic from their elven parents.

Dwarf: -1 Dex +2 End. Dwarves are a mite less dexterous than humans, but are noticeably hardier, standing about two-thirds the size of the typical human. Dwarves also have somewhat more magical talent than humans, but tend to channel this more towards item creation and building than elves. Wizards are more common than sorcerers, especially since wizardry is seen as more disciplined and therefore more honorable than sorcery. Dwarves have infrared vision, although they move at two-thirds the rate of humans unless they are very motivated. Dwarves form clans or monarchies, and usually live in subterranean caverns carved out of the mountainous rock. Some live in human cities, although for the most part these are individuals or delegations instead of full clans. Both male and female dwarves grow beards, and a number of human-dwarf fights come from ignorant humans mistaking a dwarf woman for a dwarf man. Dwarves stand about 4 feet 7 inches, weigh about 200 pounds and can live for up to 250 years but some clan elders have reached 400.

Gnomes: +1 Dex +1 End. Gnomes are thought to be a cross between elves and dwarves. They are about dwarf-height, although they are much slimmer and lighter at about 90-100 pounds. Gnomes generally have less magical talent than elves or dwarves, with their talents generally being mind-influencing spells, but have a good deal of mechanical talent—the first known printing press was a gnomish invention. Gnome sorcerers are about as common as wizards, and sorcery is honored because it is more spontaneous. Wizardry is quite respected, however. Gnomes have either lowlight or heat sight (roll 1d6; on a roll of 1-3, the gnome has lowlight sight and on a roll of 4-6 has heat sight). Only gnome men have beards. Gnomes can live for up to 300 years, with the oldest on record living 350 years.

Halflings: 1d6+3 Str and End, 2d6+2 Dex. Halflings have low-light vision and generally stand about three-and-a-half feet tall, weighing 60 pounds or so. Most halflings live on the plains, and they prefer to live in clans or extended families. There are some forest Halflings, and some desert clans. They make good explorers and diplomats. Those halflings who live in human cities sometimes become thieves, unless they take up a legitimate career, and a number of urban halflings are quite heavy. They can live up to 200 years, although most live to 180 years.
Part 2:

Orcs: +3 Str, +1 End. -3 Int (minimum 2), 1d6+2 Edu and Soc. Orcs are crude, stupid and usually ugly. While many among the more civilized races consider them evil, orcs aren’t really. However, they are very violent and tend to act without thinking. Because of their behavior they tend to live in semi-nomadic tribes, although some who have learned to think try to trade—generally with humans because no-one else will put up with them. Many orc tribes are patriarchal, and matriarchal orc tribes are unusual enough to be surprising to their discoverers. They have heat sight, and stand about 4 inches taller than the average human. Orcs generally could live for up to 70 years, but violence tends to result in a lifespan of about 25-30 years; they usually stand between 5 feet 8 inches and 6 feet 4 inches and weigh 180 or so pounds. Almost orc spellcasters are sorcerers, as very few orc tribes have encountered any traditions of wizardry whatsoever.

Half-Orcs: +1 Str, +1 End. -2 Int (minimum 2). Half-orcs generally stand 2-5 inches taller than humans and weigh about 10 pounds more. Half-orcs have either heat sight or lowlight vision (50% chance). Tend to live as their culture of origin lives—tribal and semi-nomadic if orc-raised, or settled if human raised. However, some unusual half-orcs are raised by both their human and orc parents (generally a human father and orc mother but orc fathers staying with human mothers is not unheard of). Unfortunately for them, the distrust of orcs by most nations will make things difficult for them at best, leading most to gravitate towards lower-class occupations. Most will live only about 50 years, although their human parentage allows them to live about 85 years. Half-orc spellcasters are usually sorcerers, since it’s a rare wizard who will

Goblins: 1d6+3 Str and End, 2d6+2 Dex, 1d6+3 INT, 1d6+1 EDU and SOC. Heat sight. Like Halflings, they generally stand about 4 feet tall, or would if not for generally standing with a slight stoop; also like halflings, goblins weigh generally about 60 or so pounds. They live about 30 years on average, with a maximum lifespan of 70 years. Goblins often live in tribal or clan organizations, and prefer to live in caverns or forests. Most goblins are dominated by those who are stronger or smarter, and those near other races tend to raid them instead of trading. Most tribes tend to utilize bronze or stone weapons unless they have been in long contact with civilized lands.

Hobgoblins: +1 Str, +2 End. -2 Int (minimum 2), 1d6+2 Edu and Soc. Hobgoblins are larger, more robust goblins. Most stand about 5 feet 6 inches and weigh about 140 pounds, living up to 70 years but on average living only 40. In many instances they lead goblin tribes, and like goblins prefer caves or forests. Some all-hobgoblin tribes trade with humans or orcs. Most of the time hobgoblins are training for war or are raiding human, elven, dwarven or gnomish settlements.

Bugbears: +3 Str, +1 End, 1d6+2 Int, 1d6+1 Edu and Soc. Bugbears are huge goblins, standing about 6 feet and weighing up to 300 pounds. They are usually quite stupid and primitive, and usually are “kept” by goblin or hobgoblin tribes as muscle. Bugbears live about 30 years, with a maximum lifespan of 60 years. They have very little civilization aside from what their goblin cousins give them.

Kobolds: 1d6+3 Str and End, -3 Int (minimum 2), 1d6+2 Edu and Soc, low-light vision. Kobolds are very small reptile-like beings who stand between 3 feet and 4 feet, weighing on average 40 pounds. They are warm-blooded, which allows them to live in almost any environment, although they prefer caverns and abandoned fortifications. Most kobolds live in monarchial tribes, with a puffed-up sense of display when interacting with outsiders (whether raiding or trading, and usually raiding). Leadership is almost always by the cleverest instead of the strongest, although clever strong kobolds can be terrors.

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']Lizardfolk: +2 Str, +1 End, 1d6+3 Edu and Soc, breath holding up to half an hour plus an element based on Endurance, heat sight. Lizardfolk are large reptiles, with some warm-bloodedness, standing about 5 feet 7 inches and weighing about 200 pounds; most lizardfolk live about 30-40 years, although some live to about 65. Due to their low-level warm-bloodedness, lizardfolk tend to live in swamps, deserts and other warm areas; although they prefer areas with water they do not require it. Lizardfolk almost always organize themselves into clans or tribes, with leadership being by the strongest (the clever ones are usually distrusted).[/FONT]
As for my own flavour of Wanderer, let me try to summarize the requirements for Wanderer, version R (where R = Rob, me).

Characters - skills (literacy derives from them), mapped classes, equipment. A flexible system for describing non-humans.
Magic - primitive, hands-on system
Animals - extended from Animal Encounters rules
Technology - a differentiation between low tech levels. Prefer TTL/4, but decimal OK.
Setting - Archaic pseudo-mediterranean as an example. City design based on UWP + Ship design. Places.
Ships - Based on LBB2 ship design; Trade & warfare adapted to seafaring.
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As for my own flavour of Wanderer, let me try to summarize the requirements for Wanderer, version R (where R = Rob, me).
Magic - primitive, hands-on system
well, FWIW, I'd note that it should be specifically different from the basic load and fire D&D type spells - and I'd try to base it on what period mages thought they could do.....but that's me.

I have developed some of my initial ideas, would it be helpful if I post them ?
well, FWIW, I'd note that it should be specifically different from the basic load and fire D&D type spells - and I'd try to base it on what period mages thought they could do.....but that's me.

I have developed some of my initial ideas, would it be helpful if I post them ?

Yes. I may not understand them (like I don't really understand the Trav psionics rules), but I'd love to see them.

(Edit for own personal reference: http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=14933 is my commoner CG, and http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showthread.php?t=14283 is my wizard CG.)
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Traveller Fantasy Spell List (work in progress!)

Note that all of these require a magic attribute of at least 1 and likely at least 7 to cast, and most will require the Sorcery or Conjuring skills to cast regardless of strength (some like teleport, torch light or firebolt can be cast spontaneously).

-Torch Light (small flame grows from the caster's hand; treat as a torch for the duration but without its heat)
-Ignite (starts a fire; treat as a modern pocket cigarette lighter)
-Firebolt (treat as a HE snub-pistol round)
-Fireball (treat as a RAM grenade)
-Meteor (treat as a PGMP shot with a burst radius)
-Starburst (treat as an FGMP shot with a burst radius)
-Starfall (treat as a Plasma-C shot)
-Meteor Shower (treat as multiple Meteor spells, very high-end magic)
-Lightning Bolt (treat as a Laser Rifle shot)

-Lightning Spray (as Lightning Bolt but strikes several targets)
-Ice Bolt (fires a bolt of ice; treat as an autopistol but may freeze target)
-Ice Spray (fires a spray of ice which strikes multiple targets)
-Ice Sheet (coats a surface with ice and increases the terrain difficulty)
-Holy Light (illuminates surroundings and causes weaker undead to flee)
-Holy Ray (treat as a Laser Rifle shot vs. undead)
-Mystic Armor (treat as Cloth)
-Carapace (treat as Combat Armor, user looks kinda like a giant bug with this spell on)
-Mage Shield (treat as Combat armor, Looks like a shell of light, helps against magic as well)
-Mage's Sword/Spear (or other hand weapon): Causes a weapon to do more damage
-Mage's Bow (Causes a missile weapon to do more damage)
-Black Resurrection (raises one corpse as a Zombie; probably ties up some Magic points as long as the zombie is active to sustain its magic)

-Control Undead (allows caster to control a number of zombies/ghouls/skeletons; dependent upon Magical strength)
-White Resurrection (raises one corpse as the person it was before it died; person may have reduced attributes which can be recovered)
-Call the Inner Beast (unarmed attacks are treated as Claws)
-Cat's Eye (low-light vision)
-Beast's Sight (IR vision)
-Hawk's Eye (vision magnification, equivalent to TL5 binoculars)
-Teleport Self (allows caster to teleport to another location)

-Teleport Other (causes subject to be teleported to another location)
-Teleport self+other (allows caster to teleport self and a subject to another location)
-Town Portal (a limited version of Teleport that transports you to a town where a special obelisk/monument/crystal/mage-guild stands)
-Mage Beacon (a limited version of Teleport in which a beacon is first set - probably by planting a special gem into the ground - and later the mage could recall himself to it)
-Haste (gives the subject a Speed of 2 like some Traveller creatures have)

-Slow (reduces the subject to a speed of 0.5)
-Quickness (subject is granted Speed of 1.5; a minor version of Haste)
-Heal (subject is healed up to full on one attribute)

-Heal Minor Wounds (heals up to 1d6 of damage)
-Heal Serious Wounds (heals up to full on two or more attributes)

-Bless (grants subject +1d6 to one attribute for a number of rounds dependent upon caster’s skill level and magic attribute)
-Greater Bless (grants subject +1d6+2 to any two attributes, otherwise as Bless)
-Cure Minor Disease
-Cure Moderate Disease
-Cure Serious Disease
-Sense Life (Senses living creatures within a radius, where the type/amount/intelligence of life and radius of detection is modified by the magic attribute and Sorcery skill level)
-Sense Unlife (Like Sense Life but detects undead instead)

-Major Curse
-Remove Curse

-Increase Own Dexterity (or Endurance/Strength/Intelligence/Education/Charisma by 1d6)
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well, FWIW, I'd note that it should be specifically different from the basic load and fire D&D type spells - and I'd try to base it on what period mages thought they could do.....but that's me.

I have developed some of my initial ideas, would it be helpful if I post them ?

I've seen the D&D-like spell lists, then I've seen the spirit-oriented actions (i.e. sympathetic magic). Since I prefer a low-fantasy setting, I lean more toward sympathetic magic, but I haven't seen a mechanic that's really grabbed me yet. I'm patient.

Besides, as mentioned on the Mongoose forums, magic can be a plug-in based on what you want. Voila. (As if the job isn't difficult enough without considering magic...)
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I'm considering using a simple ship description system, with this kind of data:

Ship: Merchant Galley-12
Vol: 100
Speed: ½
Load: 60
Armor: 0
Cost: 20,000 shekels

This data is inspired by "Mercator", but has some Travellerish adaptations. Volume and load are displacement units. Speed is in hexes per day -- a hex being around 700 stadia (40 miles). Standard supplies are something like 4 weeks of food and water for the default crew complement. This example has a crew of 33, including rowers. The load can be any mix of cargo (one 'amphora' = one unit of load, perhaps), supplies (one unit = one man-week), additional personnel (one unit per person), and armor (load used = 10% volume for 1 unit of armor).

So this ship could carry 240 people on a single day's trip, or 40 people for one week, or fourteen more crew for the standard 4 weeks' endurance.
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*Bump* and I would like to point out that everything that I have done and posted to the COTI webboard is considered OGL. Anything else that may appear in the future is unknown yet.
* Bump *

I've done fifteen grueling minutes of research, and come up with some ideas about Rob's vision of magic in Wanderer.

0. Spells are rare and powerful.

1. Magic re-uses the PSI characteristic, and calls it 'mana' or something appropriately magicky. Spells have point costs. PSI recovers as written; recovery can be sped up with certain actions or potions.

2. Magic introduces a SAN characteristic, which represents Sanity. Initially 2D. Overuse of magic drains your sanity. SAN is recoverable.

3. Magic uses some sort of taxonomy for spells. Spells have the usual elements: race, location of training, class of magic (Elemental, Sensory, Totemic, Ritual, Sympathetic, whatever), effect (Individual, Area, whatever), time to cast, range, and duration. And point cost.

4. Distraction from magic can cause permanent loss of PSI. Being a fighter-wizard is difficult.

5. Dealing with totems can cause permanent loss of SAN. On the other hand, you can do the impossible with totems...

6. There's no such thing as healing magic.
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